The victim is also the murderer. He is the son of the Judge. He was wounded when he was arrested. He is therefore also effectively a victim according to the law.
The accused, in his defense, calls on his mother, the Judge.
Plea of the accused:
- Madam judge, my mother, you have implicated me under duress in your game of life, in your social game. Is this legal? The making of a person seems to be an end in itself for the believers, but I know that this is not your case, since you claim to be a rationalist therefore atheist. So what reason do you give to the making of my existence? Do you follow a rule or an injunction?
Do you know that no intelligent being would launch for his service the manufacture of an existence, and besides without mastering it? Yet your belly made me. You made me in blind, like a simple animal. Is it then an incompetent animal that judges me? Shall I request your disqualification for this reason?
How can I be responsible for my actions if you are yourself responsible for your actions? Since you made me, you are by the law responsible for what you have built. How can we be both, and even all three with my sire, responsible for the same thing, that is to say, of myself, your own son? And if that's the case why are not you at my side as co-accused?
You cannot take refuge behind the automatism of my manufacture to deny your own responsibility. Yes, I have grown in you like a plant. But it was you who launched my construction in your uterus. Is not it ? Copulation is a perfectly voluntary act. And you knew all the consequences upon me, and even on you. For I could have been born an orphan. But you did it shamelessly. You probably thought "Alea jacta est", when you copulate to get me started in life.
Why, she who engenders, you my mother, Madam judge, and her social accomplices, whom you represent as a notable, would not have the responsibility of engendering and all that follows, which is necessarily included in this initial voluntary act?
If you pull someone in your vegetable garden, and he tramples on your salads, is it you or him the responsible? If you make a child and bring it into the garden France (or your nation), is it you or him the responsible for the damage he causes?
How did you undo your responsibility for my construction and education? I was born with features that you built, you, my mother, in your belly, and I am not responsible for it.
Is not an autonomous car manufacturer responsible for accidents caused by his vehicle? It sounds like you consider human beings less important than mere cars! Everyone manufacturers, no DMV service for a person...
Let's go to the upper part, the one that differentiates me from a simple animal, you say. I was born virgins of all cultural significance, and so you had to fill this white book that was my brain. But you did it, not me. You are the person in charge of the container that I am physically, and of the content that you poured into it. You nourished my body as well as the mind, or the intellect, remain materialistic. If you're responsible for one, you're responsible for the other, do not you? Where is the difference ?
And did you know perfectly how to educate me, when you proposed to launch my existence shamelessly? Today, do you know a little more?
Did you know it was impossible to format me exactly? Did you know that you used me only as a recorder with my eyes as cameras, my ears as microphones, and my skin as a tactile surface? I have long been a baby-object in your hands.
Did you know that my brain, which you blindly built like everything else, is an automaton and works on its own. Science says, you can check. I have nothing to do with this recording, which is the result, since it was you who realized this thing, so complex that no one is able to master it?
You are responsible for my intellectual quotient, my physical quotient, and my emotional quotient.
You are responsible for my manufacture and the place where you installed me. I did not wish to exist and live here or there in a particular society and culture, or at any given time. You have imposed everything from A to Z, my maggot body and my feeble intellect that you want to judge today.
If I had signed a contract before I existed, I would at least have opted for a superman, immortal and incapable of suffering, of course.
The choice of my body, which you have made according to your own characteristics, is not mine. Your universe is not the one I would have chosen. Your type of life, your society, your world and your incessant wars, I would never have selected them from the catalog that you have not presented to me. Why did you not make this choice for me, if you had pretended to love me in advance?
Seven-billion happy events, that are supposed to be the babies, should make a world more than happy, but it's just the opposite. That looks more like a battlefield.
All that I have in my head, all that induces my actions, is you, you and society, who have imposed it on me. How can I have in me something other than what constantly imbues me, daily, second by second, and already in your belly as soon as the ovum, which is my initiator and you pretend that I was already, starts to divide?
The egg that goes in the trash in a sanitary napkin is a part of you, but when it is fertilized, this egg becomes me? It's absurd!
I exist because you launched my construction from a cell. At this point, am I responsible for myself? The cell divides into two and then four. At this point am I responsible for what I am? Division and multiplication continue. The embryo is visible on the scanner. Am I responsible for myself. Soon the fetus. Am I responsible for this deformed thing that looks like the baby to come? At twelve weeks you cannot abort (in France), the law forbids you. Am I responsible for my actions? Six months have passed, the baby I have become is finally viable. Am I responsible for my actions in your belly? Already the nervous system is active, it records. What is it recorded? Am I responsible for anything? And so on, I ask you the same question for all the stages of my manufacture. I am a continuous mechanism, there is not even steps, no threshold to cross. When will I become responsible to exist?
How is it possible? At what point did my fantastic brain become anything other than a stupid automaton constituted of stupids automata? At what point did this thing that I did not order myself at Santa Claus, and at the beginning virgin of cultural meanings, became punishable, because responsible to exist and to be self-formatted? Is my brain no longer an automaton now that I am an adult?
When was I me and no more you? When you decide it, or when the law decides, as soon as you can no longer get rid of the food Meccano! And me, when did I decide to be myself?
Am I responsible for this ovule and its divisions that go on and on today? I am even obliged to buy my body daily, that is to say, my food, so that these divisions continue and to guarantee my mobility. Yet it was you who launched this stupid mechanism. I am a prisoner of the order you have given me to exist and of this food slavery.
How could you force me to exist, therefore without my agreement, as I am with my defects, with my fragility? It was you who built me that way. You made me capable of being killed, and capable of being a killer. Why should I be responsible for that? Why did not you make me immortal and incapable of suffering? So I could not have been a victim, and if the others had been like me, I could not have been a murderer. If I had possessed everything and if desire had been absent from my thoughts, I would have desired nothing, and I would have had nothing to steal. So you've built me potentially a thief and potentially a criminal. Why ? Why, if you did not want to, did you make me like that?
And why do you judge me since you had to know what you were doing in making me?
If you have made me with a free will, you have to explain to me how it works, because you must be expert in daring to conceive a child that is worth more than just a car!
Explain to me how you can "impose free will on me" while forcing me to exist. No one can explain this famous free will. Its very definition makes it impossible. Who can determine for himself, and what is the use of it, since if I exist beforehand why should I need to determine myself?
It seems rather contradictory to impose liberty and free will on someone. It is even quite absurd.
Madam judge, to be responsible, you need two things, to build oneself, and that this construction does not forget the implantation of free will, knowing what it is, and how to implant it, obviously. Of course, it's impossible.
And if a person has built me, that is, you Mam, you must oblige me to possess this free will, but tell me how this miracle of free will has settled in me, how did you proceed? And why should I want it? Is free will as obligatory as my slave existence at your service?
You built me so that I would become autonomous without my permission. But I have no free will, otherwise you would be able to describe it accurately, at least the official science. By the way, have you asked your experts to demonstrate it? If they answered yes to your request, you could be relieved to have incarcerated so many people!
Why should I accept this poisoned gift of free will? If it's a free will, I'll give it back to you. Do what you want with it, implant it in your brain, you'll have two and you'll be doubly responsible since you seem to like it. And release me! Emancipate me really!
The slave is free to make the gestures he wants to pick up cotton, but he must do his work as a convict. Life is lived according to the same principle of slavery. Certainly I am free to cease to exist when I am old enough to understand, but I am not free to exist, I was constrained by you. It is my slavery and I have to accomplish it to the end, although I can, according to you, choose my gestures freely with the body and the members that you imposed on me during this hard labor that you constrained me to undergo.
Judge yourself for your manufacturing errors and tell your mother to do the same for you, and your mother's mother, and so on down to our common ancestor to all the primates, and even to the initial cell!
You do not want to dilute responsibility in the past and blame people who no longer exist, so you go to the simplest. It costs less to punish me alone and lock me up in a cell. It seems more profitable to you. Yet you are mistaken. In the long run, it is not profitable, your human misinterpretations accumulate and multiply with the number of existing humans, soon eight billion, beautiful explosive!
You make people and you scrape them like defective vehicles. You cut off their necks, you shoot them, you shock them, to be mistaken in their manufacture and their education. It also serves as an example and serves to educate the common people. What morality! What justice! It is convenient. It's absurd. It's ridiculous. It's stupid. It's animal.
You did not make me for myself, since I did not exist. You could only bring me suffering and death, for the rest, is it not normal? The rest, that is, happiness, health, wealth, beauty and the benefit of life.
You made me for your service, for your desires, for your animal impulses of a woman, to experience motherhood.
Making a baby is a crime in itself, pure slavery. This dear baby is made for the service of the manufacturer, for you as far as I am concerned, you my mother and also Madam judge. Whatever that service is. For example, to need an object child to be asked for his love after having risked his earthly hell. As if the Earth lacked people to be loved. Need a social servant. Need a social substitute, like butcher in place of the butcher. To believe that it is important to think that its genes must not disappear, when we know that everything evolves. And many other reasons invoked and absurd.
To do it blindly without mastering its manufacture is an additional crime. To install him in this warlike and unhealthy world is even more criminal.
Yet, as a judge, did not you see all day long the crimes and misfortunes that were and still are your daily life in this society that you imposed on me? You have chosen your office as a judge, but you have chosen for me in my place as a man and as a citizen.
I am your equal according to the Human rights. So, why, this power that you have over me, I cannot have it over you? I do not want to have the same right as you on another person, I want to be able to give back to you what you have committed on me. This criminal act of imposing life on me with all its sufferings and death.
Since you are a judge, you know perfectly well that the endangerment of the life of others is a crime, and therefore the law prohibits this endangerment, and in the case of the birth it is a jeopardy infinite compared with the total absence of danger of the non-existence.
You're guilty. You are not an animal that reproduces stupidly. You were not raped. You do not make a child a year mechanically until exhaustion of your thousands of eggs and exhaustion of your strength. You have chosen to launch my fabrication, with full knowledge of causes and effects, on my innocent person.
I am young and I can still suffer from genetic handicaps, or catch many diseases. It is not because you run these risks yourself that you have the right to make them run on me. I'm not you. I do not belong to you. The child is not his mother, not his father, and not any more a reproduction of any of them. I am not your continuity, I am another person.
You condemned me to death as soon as I was conceived. What have I done before I existed so that you impose your misfortunes on me, your sordid life?
One of the basic principles of Human rights is that at birth I do not serve anything; neither to you nor to anyone else, except that you have foreseen, for me, the place I will occupy, as if I was only a family or social cog, that is to say a slave. If I do not serve anybody, why did you bring me into the world?
You could have made me handicapped from birth. But according to society and yourself, I was lucky, I am not disabled physically or intellectually. Except, that it is up to me to decide my feelings about the handicap and not to you. I am not, maybe, physically or intellectually handicapped in relation to you, but I am shabby compared to the one I would like to be.
You made me handicapped, and it's up to me to decide. How do you compensate me? By judging me, by sending me in jail!
That never shook your head, never your morals, never your judge ethics, never your honesty, to risk my health even before I leave your belly? You should be perfectly aware of the notion of reckless crime, Madam judge.
You shot me violently in your kitchen garden and I trampled your lettuces, your tomatoes, is it me or you responsible? You made a child and you brought it into the garden France (your Nation), is it me or you responsible for the damage you claim that I caused according to your regulations?
Are you responsible, you the manufacturer, the mother, the judge? Are you responsible for the damage caused to the fabricated being and the non-viability of the place where you installed it? You know, I, your child, this other person not responsible to exist, but that you declare responsible during his existence.
Should I love and respect this place, and respect you, because you have decided so?
I have no debt to you, my mother, nor to the society you represent as a judge, since you have imposed on me to exist, you and She your accomplice. And I do not see why I should follow your rules since I did not sign them before you imposed on me my existence.
I am the pawn you have fabricated and placed in thy game, your social game.
Am I your slave? Say it frankly, do not turn around the pot. Inscribe the exact rules of our existence in the Human Rights, since you have invented them, so that we may not be surprised by your duplicity of animals, your hypocrisy of supposedly intelligent beings.
Plug the chair, Madam judge, I'm there! Do not forget to come and watch me burn, my mother! And how will you be happy in the paradise of rationalists if I burn eternally in the hell of believers, dear Mother?
End - E. Berlherm
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